The back-to-school period can be an exciting and, at
times, stressful time for parents – especially the parents of preps
starting school for the first time.
Parents can relax in the
knowledge that the Government is committed to building the
Education State, and ensuring that all students have the opportunity at a
great education.The first years are an exciting and engaging time for your child. Building positive relationships and experiences in the early years is important to long-term development, learning and well being.
The more you can help your child to become familiar with the layout of the school and what they need to do before day one, the less overwhelmed they are likely to feel.
To start Prep, the first year of primary school, Your child must be at school in the year they turn six, which is the compulsory school-starting age.
For tips on how to prepare your child for starting Prep, see:
- Term dates
- Supporting your child's transition to school - Tips on how you can help your child have a positive start to school
- Preparing for school - Tips for the summer holidays and first day of school.
- Prep for parents - Articles about what Preps learn and how to help them.
- Get Started with Numbers - Resources and practical activities for primary students
- Enhanced transition from kindergarten to school - Preparing children with disabilities for school
- Traveling to school - Transport options, programs and allowances.
- Uniforms - Information about the dress code and financial assistance for school uniforms.
- Immunization - Information for parents.
- Kids Matter - Starting School
- Parent-line
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