Friday, 29 December 2017

Parent should teach pre-school offspring

How is your child developing in comparison to others their age? It's a constant concern for parents.
This is especially true if you're thinking about your child starting school for the first time soon.
Nearly every parent feels some anxiety about their child starting school. Will they get picked on? Will they keep up?

These skills, that every parent should teach pre-school offspring:

Write their own name

Reading and writing are two of the hardest things a child will learn. The best way to start is to make sure they can write their own name.

Use pencils, not pens. You can get them in the mood by doing lots of coloring with them, then starting to show them how to write letters.

Know the alphabet

There are plenty of good toys and songs that will help, but it's not just about reciting the sounds. They also need to know the differences when it comes to writing them. Many kids get mixed up between writing "b" and "d" but be patient.

Sing or recite songs

Learning simple songs and rhythms helps children develop learning skills. Don't be embarrassed about singing to your child, and do it often. You can start singing when they're still in the womb, as hearing is the first sense to develop.

Take turns and share

The earlier a child learns to get on well with others, the better. You can start by congratulating them for sharing toys with other children. This means your child will not be the one who gets into fights with others at school over who gets to play with the toys.

Use a computer

Let them use a computer under supervision. Teach then basic mouse skills. If you don't have a computer, go to a library where they can use one.

Be sensitive to others' feelings

A selfish child will not be popular, so ensure they know the difference between right and wrong. They need to be told from a young age that hitting another child is very bad.

Dress and feed themselves

We feed them to avoid a mess and dress them because it's quicker for us. But in the classroom, a teacher will not be able to pay them as much attention.

Join in group activities with other children

Many children are shy so boost their confidence by taking them to activities and parties, anywhere where there will be other kids around.

Make up stories (even if they make no sense)

You can do this while you're driving, on the train or before bedtime. It helps their language and communication skills, and you may be amazed at how much you enjoy making up a story.

Complete activities on their own

Children must learn to be independent, so you need to let them do things for themselves. If they're trying to build something with Lego don't be tempted to help them finish it off or make a suggestion. If they want to come to you for help they will.

Join in general conversation at home

Family time is important. Have dinner with your child as often as possible. You could have a film night when you all watch a DVD together and then talk about it after.
If you're too busy on weekdays, get the family around the table at the weekend. And let kids help prepare the food.

Focus their attention on one thing for a prolonged period

At a young age children have a short attention span but if this does not change as they get older, they will suffer at school. Get them to do activities they enjoy, such as painting, and they will learn to concentrate.

Count and answer number-based questions

Put three potatoes on your plate, get your child to eat one and ask how many are left. Try counting everything for a day, including all your steps to the supermarket and the number of trees you walk past on the way.

Tell the difference between past and future

You can help your child understand the concepts of past and future from a young age. Ask them about what they did yesterday and what they are looking forward to at the weekend.
You can ask what they had for lunch today. Also, make a calendar and write a letter to Santa.

Ask lots of questions

Kids go through a phase of asking why all the time, but never ignore them, be patient and reward their curiosity.
And if you think they're asking why for the sake of it, then ask them a question in return. This engages them, and gets them thinking about the world.

Differentiate between groups

Ask questions that refer to different categories. For example: "Why are some of these trees dropping leaves?" "Which animals eat meat and which don't?" Your child will learn about groups and categories without realizing.

Do a jigsaw

Jigsaws are great for logic skills. If they get tired of them, box them up and carry on another day.

Be active

Take them to a park, an activity center or soft-play area.

Learn about healthy and unhealthy foods

Talk to your child about different healthy and unhealthy foods, and allow them to eat a variety of foods in moderation.
If they know they can eat sweets, but not every day, you will be amazed how often they choose to eat healthy fruit or veg instead. Let them get involved with cooking too.

Be imaginative

Engage in your children's games and don't put them off by disregarding their wacky ideas.
Let them make the rules, so they can be in control for once. You will find they are much more creative as they grow up.

Get messy with paints and crafts

Put a mat down under the kitchen table or go outside in the summer. Modelling clay is another great aid, and this kind of creative play gives them the motor skills they need for writing.

Make music

Musical instruments are great for kids - it gets them moving and it's good for spatial, reasoning and motor skills.

If I were a parent of a pre-school child, I'd probably stop reading this list by the time I reached number five or six - it's very intimidating.
It also takes no account of the different rates children learn at, nor of individual aptitudes. So a child may have highly sophisticated verbal skills, but none in terms of writing her name or knowing the alphabet. And the child who can recite the alphabet may have few skills in letter recognition.


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